
Second-Seeing Shakespeare
Peter Dawkins
In this Sherlockian investigation, historian Peter Dawkins uncovers clues hiding in plain sight which show that the prima facie evidence suggesting that William Shakspeare of Stratford-upon-Avon wrote the Shakespeare works is not what it seems. Instead, it is a double-truth showing a very different authorship, and the involvement of a philanthropic secret society dedicated to the enlightenment and good of all humanity.
The Master Series
A series dedicated to the idea and reality of a higher or divine intelligence that can inspire and work through the lives of gifted men and women, some of whom have reached an advanced level of initiation and illumination. In the higher ranks of these are the ones the world calls 'Masters'. I have focused on one particular master soul, who is one of the truly great Masters of humanity, who had a major incarnation as Francis Bacon. Foretold by Paracelsus as 'Elias the Artist', Francis inaugurated a great work for humanity that has been preparing the way for the world to enter a golden age of illumination—a period that the Mayans call the Fifth World of Humanity.

The Shakespeare Enigma
Peter Dawkins
Foreword by Mark Rylance
This groundbreaking and exhaustively researched book is a fascinating voyage of discovery that reads like an Elizabethan thriller. It draws aside the veils concealing the truth concerning Shakespeare, to reveal the real author or authors of the Shakespeare plays, the involvement with the Rosicrucians, and the treasure trail or game of hide-and-seek set up by them as a mystery to train us in an 'art of discovery' by which all things might be known.
Beautifully illustrated, this book will appeal to all literary-minded people, scholars and non-scholars alike, those interested in esoteric wisdom or the Shakespeare authorship, and anyone involved in drama and arts education.
Polair, 2004. Illustrated paperback, 476pp. ISBN: 0954538943
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Illustrated paperback
Price: £17.00 + postage*
* Post free in UK; click on arrow for shipping abroad (Europe; World)

Building Paradise
Peter Dawkins
This revealing book explains clearly and succinctly the Baconian/Rosicrucian 'Six Days Work' - a highly practical, creative method and labour of love, designed on Kabbalistic, Neoplatonic and Christian principles, by means of which we might discover all truth and build paradise on earth. A central feature of this method is theatre, as represented by the Shakespeare plays and the initiation dramas of Freemasonry.
FBRT, 2001. Illustrated paperback, 232pp.
ISBN: 0862930103
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Illustrated paperback
Price: £15.00 + postage*
* Post free in UK; click on arrow for shipping abroad (Europe; World)

Francis Bacon - Herald of the New Age
Peter Dawkins
Written simply but based on wide-ranging in-depth research, this book reveals Sir Francis Bacon as a Master of Hermetic Wisdom and a remarkable man of illumination. We learn that his purpose was to lead mankind to the light, providing an 'art of discovery' by which all things might be known, even the supreme truth and law of life, Love.
A man much misunderstood, misquoted and maligned, Sir Francis Bacon developed an all-embracing philanthropic philosophy, vision and method of operation by means of which the world could build a golden age of wisdom, peace, prosperity and sustainability for all, if it wanted to. Bacon always understood that his method and science was not for all and would probably never be part of mainstream science, as it requires total commitment to philanthropy or charity, but he hoped that one day it would exist side by side with mainstream science and help to guide and illuminate the latter.
FBRT 1997. Illustrated paperback, 124pp.
ISBN: 086293009X
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This book is now out of print and awaiting republishing.
Zoence Series
Zoence, Science of Life provides a written introduction to Zoence.. It covers creation, cosmology, chakras, the wheel of life, time cycles, the zodiac, the process of life, initiation, sacred space, sacred architecture and landscape temples. Published in two separate editions, UK (original) and USA (enlarged).
An expanded and more indepth version, Core Truths, is also available (see below).

ZOENCE - Science of Life
An Introduction to the Basic Principles and Practices of Zoence
By Peter Dawkins
A brief introduction to the basic principles and practices of Zoence.
Explains the time cycles and festivals, and their relationship to space and forms of life, the wheel of life or mandala, the cycles of evolution and initiation, chakras in time and space, sacred space, townscapes, landscape temples, and how to work with all this in order to heal and enhance our lives and environment.
UK (original) edition
Purchasing Options
Illustrated paperback
Price: £10.00 + postage*
* Post free in UK; click on arrow for shipping abroad book + postage price (Europe £13; World £16)

Core Truths
Peter Dawkins
What are Core Truths? They are the essential wisdom teachings and laws that allow us to live harmoniously with ourselves and with Nature, and encompass not just a vision of ourselves within our environment but also of ourselves in relationship to the wider cosmos.
Drawing on the Wisdom traditions of the West, such as the Rosicrucian, Neoplatonic, Hermetic, Magian, Hebraic, Orphic, Classical, Celtic and Christian traditions, Core Truths presents the fundamental truths known to these ancient traditions updated with new discoveries and insights for the world of today, including geocosmology. Understanding and working with these truths enhances our lives and all that we do, bringing joy and fulfilment.
This richly illustrated work addresses the three basic archetypes of the Wheel of Life, the Chakra system and the Tree of Life. These are the basic patterns expressed not just within Man but also within all Nature. Special beings called landscape angels embody these archetypes. They guide our lives and model the landscape according to natural patterns and laws.
For those seeking the initiatory path to enlightenment, these core truths of perennial wisdom light the way. They help us to understand how to use space and time to the best advantage in our lives and our environment, creating beauty and harmony, and leading to a deep connection and expression of true humanity in both a simple yet comprehensive way.
Bookbaby, 2015. ISBN: 9781483558127
Wisdom of Shakespeare Series
Each book of this series analyses a Shakespeare play, to discover and show the wisdom on which it is based. Each play is a mystery dealing with the processes of human life and the laws of life that govern them. The comedies show the process of initiation. The tragedies portray the process of disintegration and hurt that occurs when love is replaced by hate, anger, greed, selfishness and jealousy. The histories, taken as a whole, comprise a great Homer-style epic that portrays the semi-real, semi-imaginary evolutionary life of a nation complete with its hero-initiates and double-dealing tyrants.

The Wisdom of Shakespeare in
'The Tempest'
Peter Dawkins
Foreword by Mark Rylance
An introduction to the real meaning of Prospero's magic, the nature of Ariel his spirit, the process of initiation, the roles of the various characters as aspects of the human psyche, and the alchemical and cosmological rhythms of the play.
IC Media Productions, 2000. 270pp. ISBN: 0953289036
Bookbaby, 2015. ISBN: 9781483550244

The Wisdom of Shakespeare in
'The Merchant of Venice'
Peter Dawkins
Foreword by Mark Rylance
A powerful insight into the mysteries of love, initiation and the great polarities of life that are vividly depicted in this Mystery play based on some of the greatest teachings of Jesus Christ, Moses and Hermes Trismegistus.
IC Media Productions, 1998. 254pp. ISBN: 0953289001
Bookbaby, 2015. ISBN: 9781483550787

The Wisdom of Shakespeare in
'As You Like It'
Peter Dawkins
Foreword by Mark Rylance
Discover Shakespeare's magic in the play – his presentation of truths about the human soul, the heroic journeys of initiation undertaken by human beings for love, and the real world of the magician.
IC Media Productions, 1998. 254pp. ISBN: 095328901X
Bookbaby, 2015. ISBN: 9781483550794

The Wisdom of Shakespeare in
'Twelfth Night'
Peter Dawkins
Foreword by Mark Rylance
A thought-provoking book taking the reader into the fascinating world of Alchemy and Cabala, showing not only how the play is based on a profound understanding of the biblical Genesis and Revelation but also of the mystery path of initiation that lies between.
IC Media Productions, 2002. 232pp. ISBN: 0953289044
Bookbaby, 2015. ISBN: 9781483550770

The Wisdom of Shakespeare in
'Julius Caesar'
Peter Dawkins
Foreword by Mark Rylance
Discover the hidden worlds of Freemasonry, Neoplatonism and Christianity concealed in this play. Understand the dramatic juxtaposition and interplay of two opposing forces, each powered and represented by a particular form of oratory and motive, each with their own weaknesses and strengths. See how Shakespeare bases his story on that of the Third Degree in Freemasonry, the symbolism of the Great Pillars and the great mystery of Time.